The Shiny Ball Syndrome
Oct 10, 2019Do You Suffer From Shiny Ball Syndrome?
Have you ever had shiny ball syndrome?
Why are you trying to seek the next shiny ball? The next thing that you want to improve on?
Why aren't you looking at that thing that you're already good at? And by getting tunnel vision, figuring out how to make it better? Figuring out how to generate income and profit from it.
You are already good at that thing that you're already good at.
Why are you chasing that next shiny ball?
Stop being a shiny ball chaser!
Stop being a shiny ball chaser. Find that thing that you are already good at and hone in on it, serve, give... help others.
Do you know the number one thing holding most people back from following their dreams? From following that thing that fills them up inside?
If you are worrying about what other people are worrying about or being judged.
Watching other people wandering and worrying what other people think. You cannot control what other people think.
You have no control over what others think and feel!
You have no control over what others think and feel.
What you CAN control is what YOU do. Why you do it. The serving and helping others. So focus on that and stop chasing the shiny balls!
Be amazing at being you. You have something special... you have a story to share with the world.
I want you to grab onto that thing... get tunnel vision and become excellent at it!
Stop chasing shiny balls because there's always going to be something shiny with a new adventure...a new something else to follow.
What lights you up inside?
Tell me in the comments below. What is your thing? What lights you up inside?
That's what you should be doing.
Stop worrying about what other people think!
Don't worry about the judgment. Don't worry about the haters.
I want you to stop worrying about what other people think. That is going to hold you back from being authentically you.
You need to stand up, tell them you love it and you're going to do it regardless of what they think!
So many people are so worried about what other people think.
Focus on one thing
Focus on one thing that you want to study… that you want to learn and you want to teach to others.
So hone in on that. Get tunnel vision and know “this is what I'm going to focus on for the next 12 months”.
If you focus on this one thing for the next twelve months. You will know more about that subject matter than most people know. Even more than the so called experts know.
Most people won't spend the time to learn
Do you know why?
Most people won't spend the time to learn it. Think about it.
If you spend 1-3 hours a day for 12 months...You learn that one thing really well for 12 months... think about how much knowledge you will have in that area in 12 months time.
Most people will not stick to one thing for that long.
I went live for 365 days running, hail or shine
I went live for 365 days running, hail or shine.
I had so much to learn! But I figured it out. Right!
So I challenge you now to comment below.
What is that ONE THING you would love to focus on?
What is that ONE THING you would love to focus in on for 12 months?
Then it's really simple. Stick to it. Commit to yourself. Nobody else can be you. You just need to be the best you can be.
Stuff everybody else!
Just get that done. And spend at least an hour a day learning or teaching on one topic.
In 12 months time that will be something you can make money from and you can help others like you.
So tell me, what is that thing?
What is that one thing that you'd like to know how to do better and it lights you up inside?
I want you to send me a message and let me know what is that one thing?
Do you have the strength? Do you have the courage? Because nobody else can do it but you.
But do you have the courage to commit to one thing that you're either learning or teaching to others for the next 12 months?
Think about it. You've got many years to go. Think about it, in 20 years you'll have 20 things you are really good at.
You can do it lovelies!
All right that's it.
Short and sweet.
"Never let anyone dull your Sparkle!"
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